What We Do
ECORCE TCAD - Diode modeling
Calculate I=f(V) characteristic of a diode. Shows how easy it is to use ECORCE.
The challenge
ECORCE TCAD - Ion Definition
SRIM Compatible
The ions profiles are taken into account according to files generated by SRIM. Thus, the definition of the ions is done in a few clicks.
Physical Equations
Actually, ECORCE integrates 1D and 2D modelling of:
- Poisson Equation (electrostatic)
- Heat equation
- Transport Equation for Electrons and Holes
- Trapping-Untrapping Equations
The solution
ECORCE TCAD - Nuclear reaction
The neutron impact generates 2 ions, He and Mg. The mesh is adjusted along the modelling to take into account changes in potential and carriers densities.
The results
Modeling of Total Ionizing Dose
The solution
NMOS Transistor Id=f(Vgs)
The results
N-MOS 20nm 30krad
The results
ECORCE TCAD - Interface Geant4